By offering law clerk services to both legal professionals and self-represented clients, the aim is to enable clients to direct their attention to other aspects of their case while entrusting the handling of their financial matters to an expert. In instances where clients may be unaware of potential weaknesses in their financial disclosure, the involvement of a financial professional becomes instrumental in identifying and addressing such issues, ultimately enhancing the overall effectiveness of their case.
Drafting - Peparation of Documents
Financial Statements
When crafting a financial statement, emphasis will be placed on enhancing readability through strategic
tabbing and hyperlinking, ensuring a comprehensive and accessible overview of the full financial disclosure.
Certificate of Financial Disclosure
Upon the finalization of this process, a Certificate of Financial Disclosure can be promptly generated, providing a conclusive record of compliance once the financial statement has been successfully filed and served upon the opposing party.
Review of opposing Financial Disclosure
Conducting a thorough review of the opposing party's financial statement disclosure with the primary
objectives of validation and the establishment of its credibility.
Net Family Property Statements
Following a meticulous examination of the opposing financial statement, the subsequent step involves
initiating the drafting process for the client's net family property statement.
This pivotal document serves as the foundation for determining the equalization payment.
Multiple models can be expertly crafted to provide counsel with versatile options for presenting offers
to settle, optimizing negotiation strategies.
Child & Spousal Support Calculations
Preparing year-by-year child support & spousal calculations using DivorceMate.
Multiple versions can be prepared based on true/imputed income.
Facilitating the determination of outstanding child and spousal support calculations involves the meticulous creation of detailed charts.
These charts are designed to present factual calculations in a clear and accessible format, allowing the presiding Judge to review comprehensive, easy-to-read figures on a year-by-year basis.
Section 7 Expenses
Upon the exchange of complete financial disclosures by both parties, the next crucial step involves determining the CSG Special Expenses Apportioning %.
These determined values can be seamlessly incorporated into the child support calculations charts, forming a secondary chart that effectively illustrates outstanding expenses year by year.
This comprehensive approach enhances the clarity and transparency of financial considerations in the proceedings.
Imputed Income
Engaging in a forensic review of the opposing party's financial disclosure can unveil instances where
calculations rely on fictitious valuations, strategically employed to reduce reported income.
In cases where complete disclosure is lacking, a comprehensive assessment is essential to ascertain the actual income, thereby enabling the pursuit of a claim to impute their income based on accurate financial information.
Forensic Accounting
Asset Valuation
Income Determination
Tracing and Uncovering Hidden Assets
Financial Documents
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